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Season 2, Episode 2

Oceans with James Bradley


Recorded live at Sappho Books, Sydney.

In this conversation, I’m joined by JAMES BRADLEY. He is the author of a new, absolutely astonishing book about the state of our oceans, which I recently inhaled over two days. It's called DEEP WATER: THE WORLD IN THE OCEAN and it comes out with Penguin Random House on 1 April.


I’m interested in talking to James because this is a subject I am intensely interested in, and when I heard about this book I had the sense that it was exactly the book I have been waiting for on the topic. I also knew that in James hands it would be as readable, as compelling and evocative, as it should be.


James comes to this topic as an already highly acclaimed environmental writer. He’s a 7 time novelist. He writes for the Guardian. He’s won multiple science writing awards and the Pascall Prize for Critic of the Year.

The three influential texts that James chose were:

  • In The Skin of a Lion, Michael Ondaatje

  • Arctic Dreams, 1986, Barry Lopez

  • Silent Spring, Rachel Carson

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